Spiral - Sorceress of Flow

High energy circus and flow arts performance to delight and inspire.

Levine Avenue of the Arts
Apr 13 - 14, 2024

Event Details

Widely recognized as a founding leader and pioneer of the modern hoop dance and flow arts movements, Spiral has moved audiences around the world to their feet—and often to tears—with groundbreaking acts that explode the boundaries between dance, circus, acrobatics, object manipulation, and storytelling.

Equal parts Sorceress, Circus Artist, Whirling Dervish, and Ninja, she brings the kind of tingle to the spine that can only be wrought as a direct result of tireless training, incredible skills, and occasional conspiracy with otherworldly forces.

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Venue Information

Levine Avenue of the Arts

135 Levine Avenue of the Arts
Charlotte, NC 28202

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Jul 2024

